Ready to STAND OUT in the Coaching World?

Growing Businesses with Daily Steps and Consistent Action

Helping coaches grow their business foundations

About Us

We are a one-stop shop for all things related to group and team coaching...including your Business Growth.

Hi - My name is Jennifer Britton and over the last 20 years I've seen a lot of change in the world of coaching. As an author and coach trainer I'm on a mission to help others be as successful as they want to be. I've trained thousands of coaches to expand their work and impact. As a thought leader in group coaching I've seen how we can change the conversation and what's possible.

I believe that business growth can be fun, impactful and SUSTAINABLE. Your Path will be different from everyone else's.

That's why our support through Group Coaching Essentials is multi-facted.

The Amplify Mastermind is my favorite and is geared for coaches who ar ready to take action around their business. - - The Amplify Mastermind includes Weekly Group Calls on Mondays (230 pm ET) and Friday (1230 - 2 pm ET), 1-1 coaching monthly with me, and access to some really FUN, and impactful monthly events.

Consistent support is key in business growth and I hope you will join us on this journey in 2025. We get started soon with many items kicking off on November 15th 2024 running to end of June 2025.


Years Experience

What's This About

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the common questions we get asked.

Question 1: How does this program differ from your other offerings?

The Amplify Mastermind is our most comprehensive program. It includes group calls, the Coaching Biz Growth Lab and also 1-1 coaching. It provides a:

  • Creative cave and connections with other coaches and digital entrepreneurs building their business and looking to amplify their programs, voice and impact

  • Intensive dives over a 7.5 month period to GET Your Work Done

  • Shortening the curve on your/Shortchanging your cycle of business development and growth by leaning into tried and tested activities which have worked.

  • Going deeper into key areas of your business with multiple calls each week, geared to support you in a variety of ways. Live calls are on Mondays 230 - 3 pm ET (Monday Catalyst) and Friday

Question 2: How will this help me move by business ahead?

​While learning is great, a big focus of this program is on EXECUTION and IMPLEMENTATION and getting things done. It’s good to have a plan, and even better to work the plan to take the action, get the learning and results and do it again.This program is the WHOLE Monty and supports you in different ways.

Depending on your Group and Team Coaching Superpower, and Hybrid Work Style it’s likely that you are going to build a business differently than everyone else.

The program consists of peer time, 1-1 coaching with Jennifer, weekly group calls (Monday kick off shorter call and Friday 12:30 - 2 pm ET), action time (through the Get It done), to take a deep dive into key topics.

As you know in coaching there are no specific results guaranteed, AND we know that taking action as entrepreneurs is key to the process of getting where we need to be. In addition to Monday and Friday work sessions there will also be an additional work session at a time decided by the group. Can't make every call? They are recorded.

Question 3: Why not a full year? Why get started in November?

​Over the last 20 years of working with wide variety of coaches and other business owners, primarily digital entrepreneurs I’ve noticed how sustaining the deep focus of a one year cycle can be challenging. That’s why we’re going for 7.5 months. To give you 2 business cycles of 2 quarters (or 180 days) so you can plan, put things into action, learn from feedback and what happens, refine and then do it again! As a business it may take at least 90 days to create a program, yet not launch it. We're kicking off in mid to late November so you can hit the ground running in 2025 January 1st.

Question 4: What can I expect in terms of outcomes?

  • Create or refine your own business model through our mastermind calls as well as a half day business design session with Jennifer

  • Dial in your brand and offerings

  • Clarity around your business – brand and offers

  • Dedicated time and focus so you can take consistent action ON your business over time (6 months)

  • Structure to gain momentum around your business through daily steps and consistent action

  • Accountability to move towards your business goals and BLOW through the obstacles which inevitably come up (i.e. cash flow shortage, mindset, saboteur) with the weekly (live) support being offered through this program

  • Blow through your limiting beliefs, and feelings around your business which might get in the way of business growth.

  • Have an award-winning, seasoned entrepreneur, and expert in group and team coaching) in your pocket so that you have a trusted coach and advisor for the next 180 days to support you

  • A community of peers to challenge you in exploring different perspectives, ideas and best practices.Make back your investment in a handful of sales

Question 5: What will we do?

AMPLIFY consists of multiple elements which have been available to individuals 1-1 over many years. In this program I am pulling together those activities which really have moved the needles for business owners including:

  • Monthly 1-1 coaching calls – $500 per month – $3500 US in total

  • Weekly group mastermind calls – 1000 per month x 7.5 – $7500

  • 2 x ICF courses 2 x 997 = $1994

  • 60 Day Coaching Accelerator – $1497 US

  • Business Design Canvas Session/VIP Day focusing on your work or a program – $3997

  • Monthly Get it Done, Planning or Design Sprint days each month (rotational basis) - $3500

  • Coaching Business Booster – December 16 2024 – $997

    If I were to charge for all of these program elements individually they would cost you more than $20000 US over a six month period. This next group will run for 7.5 months.

What's included in the AMPLIFY Mastermind for Coaches

7.5 months of focused business coaching

Topics We'll Explore

There's 7.5 months in the program. We'll look at the following

What you offer

Get Clear on WHAT you offer and for WHOM.

Your Vision and Plans

Your vision is integral to the success of your business. We'll continue to return to this as part of our annual, quarterly, and monthly planning.

Live Monday and Friday calls leave space for planning and reflection

You as a Coach

We'll explore your strengths, passions and your vision and values as a business and business owner.

Your unique identity makes you and your business SHINE

Your Programs

Programming is one of the Super Six Areas we'll work on.

You might be offering in person, virtual of hybrid workshops, retreats or even group coaching.

Maybe you want to introduce a new product.

Get into REGULAR Action

Part of this program is geared to support you in getting into consistent action around your business

What Your Clients Want

Design your offerings based on what your clients want


A business exists to make money. Weekly you'll be supported in tracking your efforts (and getting out of your comfort zone!)


Whether it's your daily habits, collaboration or speaking, we'll look at moving your business forward one step at at time throughout the first part of 2025. We kick off the week of November 18

Want More Help to Grow Your Business?

Being Part of a Mastermind means that it's not just about support from me. You'll also benefit from support from others.

Other Supports

Our other Supports for Your Business

Coaching Business Builder - Workbook and Planner

Book By Jennifer Britton

Trusted Resource to Thousands of Coaches

289 pages

5 sections of business growth

Annual Workbook and Planners are a favorite!

Coaching Biz Growth Lab

Group Coaching/Lab

Bi-weekly Business Group Coaching

Fridays 1135 - 1220 pm ET

24 a year

Part of the package

ICF CCE training - Group and Team Coaching

60 and 125 hour CCE Courses

Taken by thousands since 2006

Courses typically 5-6 weeks - virtual

10 modules - 6 needed for ACTC

Beginner to ADVANCED

Choose Your Support

Daily Steps + Consistent Action



Learning and Growth is Better with Others

Pick the payment which works best for you.

One Installment - REGULAR Price


One installment

  • 32 weeks of Friday calls to boost your business

  • 32 weeks of Monday

  • Monthly 1-1 business building coaching with Jennifer (7x 45 min)

  • Monthly Business Building Sessions - Planning, Design or Marketing (x 8)

  • Coaching Business Builder Library to Access - the Coaching Business Accelerator (on demand) plus other video resources


Monthly Installments

8 Monthly Installments - Black Friday Rates to December 4 2024


Monthly for 9 months

  • 32 weeks of Friday calls (1230 - 2 pm ET) to boost your business (rotating through Mastermind, Learning and Group Coaching sessions each week)

  • 32 Weeks of Monday Focus Sessions (230 - 3pm ET)

  • Monthly 1-1 business building coaching with Jennifer (7x 45 min)

  • Monthly Business Building Sessions - Planning, Design or Marketing Sprints (x 8)

  • Coaching Business Builder Library to Access - the 60 Day Coaching Business Accelerator (on demand)

  • * You will be invoiced on a monthly basis

Black Friday

November Special

1 installment pricing until December 4 2024



  • 32 weeks of Friday calls to boost your business (Fridays 1230 - 2 pm ET)

  • 32 Weeks of Monday focus calls (230 - 3 pm ET)

  • Monthly 1-1 business building coaching with Jennifer (7 x 45 min)

  • Monthly Business Building Sessions - Planning, Design or Marketing Sprints

  • Coaching Business Builder Library to Access - the 60 Day Coaching Business Accelerator - on demand

BLACK FRIDAY Pricing RUNS 11.22.24 - 12.4.24

Focus Areas Over the 7.5 months


Creating Your Roadmap


Tending Your Soil

And having fun!


Growing YOU

Getting into Focus


Why this program?

Helping YOU Create a Business that's ALIGNED

with your VISION, your STRENGTHS and your PASSION

Road-tested Business Building

Formula used already by thousands of coaches

This mastermind is grounded in the Coaching Business Builder book and framework which has sold thousands of copies and impacted coaches since 2018.

Mastermind leader, Jennifer Britton, is a thought leader in the group and team coaching space. As a pioneer of group coaching she has personally mentored thousands of coaches over the last 20 years. Many of her programming models - like virtual retreats and working with visual cards - were first introduced by her and are now common place in the coaching world.

Grounded in Strengths Approaches

This program gets you to explore your strengths, your passions and your unique calling. We build the business around you, not you around the business. You'll benefit from the CliftonStrengths34, as well as our Group and Team Coaching Superpower Quiz and Hybrid Work Style Quiz.

Accountability to keep on learning in a business world of change moving you through the blocks that happen

The world of business keeps changing and we are going to explore the many opportunities it is creating for coaches who work with individuals, groups and teams. There's a focus on keeping you moving on a weekly basis, even when you feel stuck.

What They Say

About our different programs

Jenn offers a wealth of experience, wisdom, insight and credibility to the spaces of coaching, virtual work and building a solid foundation for business. She always brings rich insights and, simple and effective, frameworks forward so that her participants can leverage their strengths into consistent action immediately!!

First, let me thank you Jennifer. Your generosity and sharing is matched by no others. Jennifer delivered so much valuable and highly relevant information over a short period of time that is highly relevant for my coaching practice. She IS the "go to" expert!

A lot of focused learning can be packed into 30 minutes. Each call was experiential and with the worksheets, it deepened my understand of the topics. - Adeyanju

Office Hours -830 -4 pm ET

Call 416.996.8326


Jennifer Britton. Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved